Flag Counter

Ce este PC Basic

Profit Clicking este un sistem extrem de puternic. De fapt este atit de puternic incit popularitatea acestuia este fara control si peste 5000 de persoane se inregistreaza in fiecare zi.
Motivul pentru care se inregistreaza asemenea inscrieri masive este ca fiecare persoana poate face bani!. NU exista membrii activi care sa nu o faca.
Nu costa nimic de intra in sistem si totusi cistigi bani. Voi explica mai tirziu.
Unii membrii fac 300$ in fiecare zi, in timp ce altii mai mult de 1000$. Unii ajung si la 10000$
Inainte de a intelege cu lucreaza acest sistem trebuie sa realizezi citi bani faci cu acest sistem.
Aceasta pagina va explica elementele de baza si potentialul afacerii. Vezi alte pagini cu explicatii mai amanuntite  de pe acest site.
Ca membru ProfitClicking nu trebuie sa faci multe lucruri. Nu trebuie sa promovezi nimic sau sa recrutezi alte persoane. Singura cerinta este de a vedea citeva pagini de site in fiecare zi. In schimb poti sa arati site-ul propriu (daca ai unul) la alti membri (daca vrei).

In primul rind trebuie sa cumperi un produs pentru 10$.
Produsul pe care il primesti este 1000 de credite publicitare. Aceasta inseamna ca vei arata site-ul propriu la 1000 de membri ( si poate vei vinde ceva unora).
Aceast lucru cumperi cu cei 10 $. Cumperi "ochi" pentru site-ul tau. Este un produs bun si membrii cu experienta in vinzari au receptionat foarte bine acest produs.
Dar iata o parte interesanta. Cind platiti cei 10$ veti obtine mai mult de cit 1000 de credite. Veti obtine o pozitie in sistem, Ad-Package Position. Poti obtine mai multe pozitii in acelasi timp deoarece este posibil sa cumparati mai multe unitati de credite in acelasi timp.
O pozitie poate fi considerata ca o participatie in cadrul companiei (daca exista). Deci ati cumparat o participatie in cadrul companiei, si drept urmare compania imparte profitul cu dvs.
Cit? Ei bine, pentru fiecare pozitie pe care o detii, compania Profitclicking va ofera 2% in ficare zi din saptamina si  1% in weekend.
Deci daca ai cumparat 1 pachet publicitar, vei primi 2% din urmatoarea zi. Doua procente din 10$ este 0,20$. Nu este mare lucru, nu-i asa?
Mergind mai departe, dupa 88 de zile cei 10$ vor valora 15$. Cu alte cuvinte ai multiplicat valoarea intiala de 1,5ori. Acesta este punctul cind fiecare pozitie a ajuns la final. expira in 88-a zi dupa ce ai fost platit cu 15$.
Deci transformarea a 10$ in 15$ nu pare a fi atragatoare.Vine intrebarea logica: Dar cum membrii activi din Profitclicking pot face mii de dolari pe zi in acest sistem?
Raspunsul este simplu. Sa cumperi sute sau mii de pozitii! Daca ai 1000 de pozitii (10$ fiecare), poti face 15000$ dupa 88 de zile.
Procentul cistigat in ficare zi poate fi retras oricind.Dar cind ai acumulat destui bani pentru a cumpara alte pozitii, pur si simplu faci "click" pe un buton si profitul tau se converteste in alte pozitii. Acum ai mai multe pozitii care fac bani pentru dvs. si care se insumeaza cu cistigul initial. Apoi cind aveti 10$, cumperi alta pozitie si asa mai departe...
Deci, daca ai pornit cu o pozitie de 10$ si apoi cumperi o alta pozitie, indata ce ai acumulat 10 $ profit, vei avea un cstig de 0,40$ pe zi in loc de 0,20$ pe zi (obtinuti cu un singur pachet). Atunci cind vei acumula profit suficient veti cumpara o alta pozitie si vei face 0,60$ pe zi si asa mai departe. Acest lucru se intimpla presupunind ca ai pornit cu o singura pozitie. Nimeni faceasta in mod normal. Este intelept sa incepi cu minimum 100$, sau ideal ar fi cu 500$. aceste sume investite va ofera un bun profit si posibilitatea sa cumparati pozitii aditionale.
Daca veti incepe cu 500$ veti avea un profit zilnic de 10 $. Asta inseamna ca puteti cumpara cite o pozitie in fiecare zi. Realizati ce inseamna acest lucru?  Daca reinvestiti profitul zilnic prin cumpararea de noi pozitii, dupa un an intreg veti putea cistiga aprox. 700$ in fiecare zi ale saptaminii, iar in weekend poti face  cam 520$. Se presupune ca nimic in aceasta perioada nu va afecta pozitiile, ca de exemplu "profitshifts" (explicat in alta pagina a acestui site).
Realizati importanta acestui fapt? daca continuati sa reinvestiti profitul realiyat, vei obtine comisioane foarte mari - doar intr-o zi! Nu este un vis irealizabil. Este adevarat! Mii de oameni o fac acum si nu este nici un motiv ca dvs. sau alticineva sa faca la fel. La urma urmei nu trebuie faci publicitate, sa promovezi sau sa vinzi ceva. Trebuie sa faci ceea ce oricine altcineva fac bai in fiecare zi. RE-INVESTESC!
Eventual, vei cumpara pozitii in fiecare zi si vei face o mie de dolari pe zi , ceea ce nu este un "big deal".
Asta e! Acesta este sistemul de pachete publicitare si este partea principala a programului Profitclicking. Chiar daca te vei alatura grupului Profitclicking sau nu, membrii vor continua sa faca  ceea ce fac si vor continua sa cistige bani in fiecare zi. Nu te simti prea bine stind pe margine in timp ce altii fac bani intr-un mod foarte simplu.
Dar exista si mai multe...
Intr-adevar, sistemul Ad Packages este suficient pentru a face pe cineva foarte bogat. Dar, daca nu este suficient, exista un sistem separat in cadrul programului Profitclicking cunoscut sub numele de "The Matrix" - Matricea. Acest sistem este cunoscut si sub numele de Panel PC. Intrarea in acest sistem va permite sa obtineti profituri suplimentare.
Pentru moment trebuie sa intelegi cum functioneaza matricea si cum permite aceasta sa faci bani in plus.
Matricea functioneaza cu sistemul Ad packages unde ati cumparat credite publictare in schimbul pozitiilor in sistem. De data aceasta veti obtine o pozitie in matrice si nu in partea de Ad packages a programului.
Fiecare pozitie in matrice costa 20$. Dupa o anumita perioada de timp veti obtine 60$.
Imaginati-va ca aveti 150 de pozitii in matrice. 150 x 60$ =9000$
Sunt doua posibilitati principale de a intra in matrice. Fie prin cumpararea unei pozitii pentru 20$ sau puteti folosi ceva ce aveti deja: pachetele publicitare expirate.
Hai sa explicam...
Iti amintesti ca Ad packages expira dupa 88 de zile ( dupa ce ati fost platit cu 15$ pentru fiecare pozitie). Ei bine, atunci cind o pozitie expira, ea nu mai produce nimic pentru tine.
Dar, daca sunteti dispus sa platiti 15$ la fiecare 3 luni (o suma infima), pentru fiecare al 4-lea pachet expirat se va ocupa o pozitie in matrice, GRATUIT.
Nu trebuie sa faci nimic in plus sau sa platesti pozitia respectiva deoarece ai un "abonament" trimestrial de 15$. In afara de aceasta vei avea si 1000 credite pentru pozitia dvs. in matrice.

Once your expired positions enter the matrix, you don’t need to do anything. Leave them alone and after some time, they will spit out $60 each. It really adds up when you have a large number of matrix positions.
The matrix is a bonus system to the ad-package system. Even if the matrix wasn’t there, the ad-package earnings would be more than sufficient for high earnings. But, the matrix is what keeps the system alive and running well. See my detailed pages for an in-depth explanation on the matrix.
Now, if you’re a real hard nut and still not satisfied with the ad-package and the matrix, then you’ll love this third system for earning. If 2 fantastic systems are just not going to cut it for you, then this should drive the point home.
Remember I said that you don’t have to refer anybody to make money with profit clicking? Well, that is absolutely true as you now understand with the ad-package and matrix systems. But, that doesn’t mean that you can’t or shouldn’t refer people.
In fact, if you refer people to the profit clicking opportunity, the company will reward you very well indeed.
The company will pay you $1 for every position (advertising pack) bought by your referral.
So, for example, if you referred Jim to profit clicking, and he starts his account with $500, this means he has bought 50 positions. Therefore, you will receive $50 for this transaction of his. Now, during his lifetime, whenever he buys more positions, you will still get $1 for every position he purchases. Let’s assume Jim will re-invest all his profits for a period of one year (so he can withdraw $744 per day, as discussed earlier), this means he will be buying at least one new position every day, and later on, much more.
Over one year, he will have bought over 3700 positions which means you will pocket over $3700, just from Jim. What do you think will happen the following year?
Now, let’s say you introduce 30 people (and that is a very low number when I teach you how to refer people), imagine the amounts you will get from each one of them when they purchase more and more positions throughout their lifetime. Your income will grow and grow.
In fact, I know someone who has 2/3rds of his income coming from referrals alone, and he makes big bucks.
Just a few referrals can make a world of difference because you can use that income to buy even more positions for yourself.
In addition to this, the company will also pay you $0.50c for every position purchased by the referral of your referral.
So, for example, If Jim refers some people, say Lisa, Mike and Kevin, you will now make $0.50c for every position these 3 people buy. If they all start with 50 positions each, you’ve made $75 right there. Then you will continue to make money from Lisa, Mike and Kevin forever, whenever they buy a new position. Of course, Jim will make more money from these referrals because he referred them directly. You are simply getting a bonus from Jim’s efforts.
So there you have it. You have multiple systems within the profit clicking program which will allow anyone to become seriously wealthy and retire early.
I know everybody selling something uses lines like these, so much so, that they become cliche’s, but I’m sure you can see and realize how well this works. Just by looking at the system, you can tell that it will make you money. You don’t even need to put money in to make sure. You can see from the outside, with the way it is setup and the way it works, that it will generate money for you.
On top of that, you have the testimonial of thousands of people on the net, testifying to the amounts of money made with the profit clicking system (which use to be known as Just Been Paid).
The system is formulated in such a way that it’s impossible for the system to die down or fail. It’s set to be indefinitely sustainable, which means, it can’t ever go down.
In fact, there was a 1 million dollar reward for anyone who could prove that the system is not sustainable. The original creator of the system understood the mechanics of the system perfectly and therefore built a robust system.
The company also has a law firm which ensures that it meets all applicable laws while conducting the profit clicking program.
The company is not going to wait for you to put some money in and then shut the company down and run with your money. The fact that its indefinitely sustainable is a testament to its staying power. Furthermore, 800,000 people making money daily from the profit clicking program can’t all be wrong at the same time.
Alright then, if you are convinced by what I have written here, then you are readyto sign up and put some money into your account so you can start earning moneyby tomorrow.
You can start with as much or as little as you feel comfortable with, but remember, the more money you start off with, the faster you will get to a point where you’ll withdraw over a thousand dollars every day.
In fact, if you use the large button below to join, I’ve arranged to give you a free $10 position (1000 advertising credits) to start. That way, you can test the program out slowly, without any of your own money before you move ahead with full speed.

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